Bestival this year the last hurrah for my school friends and I before we went to uni, so it was a pretty emotional/messy one. Turns out it was also the last Bestival to be held on the Isle of Wight. I'm not surprised by this as this year it felt like festival had lost its magic and creative feeling, also the line up was not on par with previous years. Although to be fair to Bestival they had issues with ticket fraud and it was rumoured that Prince was supposed to be their 2016 headliner rather than The Cure. Despite this we had a lot of fun covered in glitter for the last weekend of summer. On this gloomy foggy day in between christmas and new year it seems a bit sadistic to be posting these lovely hazy photos, but looking through them has been a great distraction from uni essay writing and revision/self-loathing at the lack of work I did last term.
Not happy at being forced to watch Craig David by the others.
Are you even at a festival if you don't wake up covered in glitter?
I frantically made this draped silver dress and the choker days before Bestival. I wish it was acceptable to wear an entirely silver outfit to lectures.
After our indulgent 9am showers.
The epitome of Sunday afternoon feels. Look closely and you can see my glittery homage to Bowie.
The unhappy (but still glittery) campers ready to get the hovercraft home.